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Fantastic, the aesthetics in this game are so polished! I really like it.
I made a similar mechanic for the game jam but the feeling in this game is remarkable.

Really fun game! The "loss of control" played really well into the game jam theme. I might not have noticed, but it would be awesome if the flying kick moved you towards your 'lost abilities' like it did with enemies.

A game where damage disable certain control? Now this mechanic I never thought exist. How many level this game have? I do ever learn using construct 2 and construct 3 to make a game. Well done.


"be careful, my child could get hurt"

shut up karen your kid isn't fighting demons

She's just a mom worrying about her child, so why call her Karen when she's a whole 9 yards of, WHY WAS HER KID PLAYING A DEMON CURSED GAME CARTRIDGE?!? If she loves her kid so much? Dunno man, sounds kinda sketchy to me...

Art style and gameplay reminds me of the Anime Inuyasha and Dororo. Nice game dude. The sounds compliments the game very nicely.

I see a lot of design has gone into this! Having the whirling kick be the last control you lose was brilliant as it still gave you some limited movement. Also having the edges warp the player solves the issue of locking the player when they lose D-pad buttons. Great job and fantastic atmosphere!

(1 edit)

At first i thought it was a pretty but basic game. But when I got hit and I lost some functionality of my player I thought that was a brilliant idea! Nice one, guys

I had a really REALLY run time reviewing your game!!

Really fun game!


Really amazing game, great visuals, cool music and fun gameplay. Besides some spelling errors and the kicks targeting feeling random and inconsistant at times its a really good game.

Eu espero ansiosamente para jogar "Vandal" novamente. Teria como disponibilizá-lo para nós termos esse prazer? :D

Game. Is. Beautiful!  Gameplay is simple, but can still be challenging. Great addition of making the kick move toward a nearby enemy so you can still move if you lose your movement keys. Although it can be a bit snowball-y once you start losing a couple of controls, I had a blast!

Loved the visuals and audio. Epic retro vibes


WOW!!!!! This Was AMAZING!!! Your game made me very happy today  I loved it!!! this is a must play type of game!!

Great job on the production value! The idea is neat. 👍That being said, It's pretty easy for the situation to snowball quickly into a gameover considering that losing inputs make the game even harder.

Very cool!

The giant HUD gave me distinct PC-98 vibes.

very good game i enjoyed a lot 

Incrivel. Muito bom. Paabens para a equipe


Mamava ambos os três


que submissão maneira! o conceito é simples mas a atmosfera é massa, tá super bem executado. eu passei da ultima fase apenas com o X sobrando, foi emocionante huahauha (a foto pra provar:

2 coisas que me incomodaram:

  • jogando no teclado, apertar pra cima ou pra baixo ta fazendo o meu site scrollar junto. fuçando eu vi que WASD / J+K tambem funciona, mas descobri só depois de zerar XD
  • as vezes as 'floating essences' desaparecem pra valer e ai eu nunca mais consigo recuperar os controles, nem passando de fase
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